These bags sell for $5 and $10. The $5 bag contains $20 worth of retail discontinued items and the $10 bag contains $40 worth of retail discontinued items.
I have never ordered one of these so I thought I would give it a try and see how I liked them. I think they are a fabulous value, look at what I was able to make with my $5 bag. (Both of the first two pictures are from the $5 bag)
I was able to complete 14 cards (2 sets of 5 and 1 set of 4), with matching personalized envelopes and still have 2 envelopes, 4 small pieces of card stock and 2 yards of ribbon left over.
All I supplied were the stamps, ink and adhesive.
Below is a picture of what came in my $10 grab bag.
I will post what I make out of these products when they are completed.
Remember that supplies are limited and once an item on the clearance rack is gone that is the end for that special.
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